Gervall joins the Aspar Team sports project to support its young talents

Gervall joins the Aspar Team sports project to support its young talents

The Aspar Junior Team and its young promises will have the support of Gervall in this new season that begins this weekend in Estoril. The Aspar Team Junior is a commitment to the future to continue training riders with whom to compete in the Motorcycle World Championship, as the team did with Albert Arenas, Izan Guevara or David Alonso.


The Catalan company, specialized in the manufacture and sale of lift components, will support the Aspar Team Junior in the European Talent Cup and the JuniorGP.

Group photography company Gervall


Group photography Gervall Company Workshop


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Posté sur 15-05-2023 Información Corporativa, Presencia Internacional 0 7565

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