Parachute progressif GV-2000
  • Parachute progressif GV-2000
  • Parachute progressif GV-2000
  • Parachute progressif GV-2000
  • Parachute progressif GV-2000
  • Parachute progressif GV-2000
  • Parachute progressif GV-2000

Parachute progressif GV-2000

• Grande capacité de P+Q (2000 7.5% kg).
• Dimensions réduites, cela permet de l'installer sur des poutres de 120mm.
• Grand jeu (4 mm) entre le rouleau et le guide.
• La tringlerie se caractérise par sa simplicité de montage et son bon fonctionnement.
• Peuvent être montés sur toute épaisseur de rail de guidage entre 9 y 16mm.
• Disponibles pour montée et descente ou seulement en descente.
• Certificat UE en fonction de EN 81-20, EN 81-50.

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GERVALL's progressive safety gear GV-2000 has been designed for easy installation and running.

The high capacity of P+Q (up to 2000 7.5% Kg.) allows it to be used in almost all standard elevators. Wide clearance (4 mm) between roller ad guide rail, allows an easy installation and avoids friction and seizing produced by other types of safety gears.
Its reduced dimensions allows you to install in longitudinal beams of 120 mm, moreover, it becomes lighter, which makes easier the installation for the operator.

Simplicity of Quality Control. Starting from commercial elastic elements according to the DIN 2093 standard.
The driving mechanism or driving set is characterized by his simple assembly, smooth performance, easy adjustment and strength. Transmission is carried out by a solid bar that prevents clearance in transmission.

Features GV-2000
P+Q (Max.) 2000 kg
P+Q (Min.) 500 kg
Max activating speed 2,2 m/s
Guide thickness 9 - 16 mm
Guide type Brushed / Calibrated
Guide Surface Dry / Lubricated
Driving mechanism integrated (*) Yes
Flotabilidad (*) Yes

The safety gear's performance is progresive both the elevator is going up and down and it conforms to tests according to the UE Examination Certificate Type No. ATI/PP/002 with standard reference EN 81-20, EN 81-50.

(*) Complements.

Fiche technique
Poids par paire 8,40 kg
Dimensions 100 x 54,5 x 110 mm
Norme de Référence EN 81-20, EN 81-50
Masse totale autorisée (P+Q) 2000 kg
Vitesse nominale maximale 1,60 m/s
Vitesse maximale de déclenchement 2,20 m/s
Largeur de freinage minimale (AF) 8 mm

Catalogue Gervall PDF®. Parachute progressif GV-2000


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